Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Buddha!

A while back it was Buddha's birthday, which is a National holiday in Korea.

I decided to take the opportunity to go to Seoul and see my friends from University (aka: Exchange students that I tutored back in the day)!!

There was two Korean girls and one Korean boy. MY Korean Boy left me in a subway station so that I could play with them alone. ^^

(Other Korean Boy is taking picture)

They took me to Insa-dong (?) which was packed with people for the holidays!

And we somehow reached great heights without climbing any stairs:

I'm serious. No stairs. o.O

Then we paid our respects to Buddha...

And I saw a tree filled with lanterns.

I wanted to buy a lantern, but was too scared that it would be a very foreigner-y thing to do. x.x

Then we played by a fake river.

And then went to Starbucks and posted funny messages about Other Korean Boy on his Facebook.

He was not pleased.



  1. hey there... apparently I was way behind with the blog reading ... just caught up tonight I have the week off so had some found time :) You look and sound great and happy! I love the new adorable kitten glad Mr. Darcy has someone to keep him entertained :) Tacos are still your favorite food right?? In case you decide to come back in the summer Detroit is July 22- Aug 1 this year :) miss you.


  2. Happy Birthday Buddha! I'm having a hard time believing the no stairs thing.... maybe a great crater or gorge in the middle of the city?? strange.

  3. Taren, I got your letter the other day! It made me so happy to see it when I opened up the mailbox. And I loved the stationary, little animals and glitter and all! I'll try and write to you again soon... this time on more exciting paper. Glad to hear you are doing well :)
