Saturday, May 28, 2011

This is the title of the first post

Well, here it is. It happened. I'm an adult now. At least, I'm supposed to be. I got mistaken for a high schooler yesterday while buying flowers for a friend's wedding - a friend who is younger than me, in fact. Every time a misunderstanding like that occurs, people say that someday I will appreciate looking younger than I am, and I will take those misunderstandings as compliments.

That has yet to happen.

What has happened, however, is that I have reached 22 years of age, secured a bachelor's degree in Linguistics, and and accepted a teaching job in Jinju, (insert province name that I can't remember), South Korea. I was prompted by my auntie to do another blog for this trip like I did for my Mexico trip, and since I am currently unemployed and out of school, I couldn't really say no.

So here it is, auntie. This is for you.

Well, not this. This is just a work-in-progress. Once there's pictures and updates and stuff, that will be for you.