Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Congratulations. You called my bluff.

Fine. I see how it is.

I will continue to post about my life in Korea, and you all continue to lurk on my blog without actually making interactions with me.

I've decided to develop a point system for interacting with me. This point system will determine how much I love you.

The points will be distributed as follows:

Taren Interaction Points

Blog lurking: .1 points
Blog comment: 1 point
Short email: 1.5 point
Long email: 2 points
Facebook post or comment: 1 point
Online chat conversation: 2 points
Skype video chat: 5 points
Written letter: 10 points
Visiting Taren in Korea: 50 points
Sending Taren tacos/taco ingredients: 100 points

That's right, I would rather receive taco ingredients than have you visit me.

Kaylee has the most points right now. She has posted a couple times, and has apparently sent me a letter. I love her more than you.

Just kidding. My mother sent me taco ingredients. Sorry, Kaylee.

But I do really like letters. Hint. Hint. HINTTTTTTTTT.

Next post will be pictures of lanterns. And me in a hat.


  1. Umm, I asked you for your address a while ago. Points for me and none for you because you didn't send it to me. :)

  2. I talked about tacos in the letter I sent you... Does that count for extra points? It included an invitation to a Jim Kooiman taco dinner.... (points??) haha. love you.
