All 2 of you.
Ahem. (<----Sound of throat being cleared).
I went to....THE END OF KOREA!!!!!!
So, Korean Guy, seeing that I was a little depressed about not being able to go home for Christmas, decided to take me somewhere he thought would be cool.
It turned out to be the southernmost tip of Korea!! It sounded cool, so I agreed that's where I would spend my Christmas!
We drove for hours through NATURE like this:
Then I fell asleep and when I woke up, we were at the biggest pile of dead people ever. I think the Japanese slaughtered an entire village...
When we finally got to THE END OF KOREA, it was SNOWING!!!!!!!
Then the snow caused me to turn into a child, complete with a sing-song voice, so I became unbearably annoying.
So, I was really excited because it doesn't snow in Jinju....but since it doesn't snow in Jinju, we were not expecting it to snow here.
So I had no gloves, hat, scarf, or even a snow-appropriate coat.
And since we were in the middle of nowhere, I could not find a place to purchase these things.
So, we went on a freezing, slow-motion monorail-thingy....and saw the END OF KOREA!!!
It's beautiful!
Then we drove all the way back to Jinju before we caught pneumonia.
There, I made the most amazing Christmas dinner of my life.
Thank you, to my taco ingredient doners.
You might have been cold but it looked so much fun.