Yesterday I had some adventures, but today was the first time I actually decided to venture out by myself.
I planned to go on a long walk along the river, but I felt sick in the morning for some reason. Then I made myself spaghetti and felt even sicker. I wished I had a soda to help settle my stomach, but the mini mart is 2 whole minutes away, and I honestly didn't think I could make it without hurling.
So, I just kind of lied around like a zombie for hours until I felt better.
Around 2:00 I felt great and decided to go for my walk!
I left my apartment! Bye the time I walked the 20 seconds to my school, I realized it was about a billion degrees out.
I decided to keep walking anyway...But my skinny jeans were already sticking to my legs by the time I passed the BEST SHOP EVER.
I reached the river, which is an abrupt sliver of nature among the countless high rise apartments of Korea. NATURE!!
Korea tries really hard to give the illusion that their 'nature' is natural. They even put fake birds in the river, but today I actually saw some real ones! NATURE!!!
They even plant lawns like us Americans and put pomegranates on buildings! NATURE!!!!!
I was so excited by all of the nature, that it made me very sad to cut my walk short. But there was simply too much heat for me. I miss you, Bellingham, and your cold, dry air.
On the way home I stopped at some mini marts for some snacks, as my apartment was greatly lacking. I mostly wanted something cheesy, as cheese is really expensive here, and it's not even Tillamook quality.
I settled for some fake cheese crackers and a bun with cream cheese in it. And a tiny coke.
I meant to save these snacks for later, but with my fridge not working I had to drink the soda right away. Then I just transformed into a snack zombie and ate everything while laying under the air conditioner and drooling over my computer.
More disgusting pictures of me in the next post! :D
Also, I am teaching tomorrow.
I am scared.
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