Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Buddha!

A while back it was Buddha's birthday, which is a National holiday in Korea.

I decided to take the opportunity to go to Seoul and see my friends from University (aka: Exchange students that I tutored back in the day)!!

There was two Korean girls and one Korean boy. MY Korean Boy left me in a subway station so that I could play with them alone. ^^

(Other Korean Boy is taking picture)

They took me to Insa-dong (?) which was packed with people for the holidays!

And we somehow reached great heights without climbing any stairs:

I'm serious. No stairs. o.O

Then we paid our respects to Buddha...

And I saw a tree filled with lanterns.

I wanted to buy a lantern, but was too scared that it would be a very foreigner-y thing to do. x.x

Then we played by a fake river.

And then went to Starbucks and posted funny messages about Other Korean Boy on his Facebook.

He was not pleased.


A post not about food.

Korean boy takes me to fun, nature-y places.

Some ancient wall in Seoul...don't remember the name, but it was very, very long!

Koreans have this weird thing about stacking rocks....I don't know why they do it, but it just reminds me of the Blair Witch Project. o.O

Some scary stairs....

And a view of Seoul that most foreigners probably don't see.

And Korean boy looking through the wall...

Shortly after this point we entered the military zone, where no pics were allowed. :(

We had to sign papers and wear name-tags.

This hike along the wall could take about 7 hours....

...But after about an hour Korean boy and I got hungry and turned around.

We went to Taco Bell. 

Heh. x.x