Hello all!
I thought I'd give everyone an update about how my job is going, so that I don't have to explain it individually over and over again.
I came here to teach elementary and middle school, as most of you know.
However, my hagwon (after-school school) is complete chaos. There is no plan for classes, and my boss has hired way too many teachers.
So basically, there weren't enough classes for me to teach. This resulted in me teaching 3 classes a day, and then being at the mercy of my boss.
I was driven to Korea Aerospace Industries to 'teach' English to businessmen and engineers. This was fun, but also not really teaching. I would basically walk in and lead a conversation in controversial topics (Korean men are sexist, gun control is bad, etc.) Basically, I would start fires and watch them go. It wasn't really teaching. It was a very easy class.
That is, until, these men started taking advantage of how not-class-like it was. They started showing up for 15 minutes out of a 2-hour class, not speaking English, and expecting me to give them credit. This resulted in Angry Teacher.
I'm pretty sure these men have never had a woman yell at them before, let alone a very young woman.
Now they have. ^^
Aside from KAI, I was also 'teaching' my boss's 3-year-old at his apartment. This was creepy and uncomfortable for me. I also could not teach her anything, as she was a wave of destruction and her favorite pass-times were hitting me, and wiping her snot on my shirt. I suppose she was cute, but I'm just not good at handling children this young.
But this week it all changes.
British guy got fired (aka 'asked to leave') for being a pretentious *****, so I will be taking over his middle school classes.
This means no more sexist businessmen and scary toddlers!
There is a new teacher coming in two weeks, so I will also be taking British guy's elementary classes, meaning my number of students has tripled.
Not so excited about that....but I am very happy British guy is gone!!!
And at last, I will be teaching 6 classes a day, consistently.
At least until my boss spontaneously changes everything again.
But for now, I am happy. :)
I went to some fun places in Jinju this weekend, so next post will have PICTURES!