I came back to Korea early and still had a whole week before my winter class.
I'd spent a lot of money in America, so I decided against going to another country.
Instead, Korean Boy and I decided to visit a new province - Gyeongsangbuk-do!
(It's on the east of Korea)
It was snowing when we left Bucheon, but the snow wasn't very deep in the mountains.
We were visiting a hot spring, but on the first day decided to visit things in the mountains.
First we saw a giant turtle.
Then a Buddha (with people praying)
Then some lions holding up a pagoda over a Buddha:
A pair of frozen waterfalls:
Some interesting characters:
We also visited a Museum of Roads, which was hilariously lame.
It had a bunch of random Inca artifacts in it too, but mostly talked about the history of roads in Korea.
This was the first day.
The second day we were going to visit many more interesting things.
Unfortunately when we were driving, the car suddenly died, as if we had run out of gas.
Korean boy started it again (we were rolling down a hill) and the engine sounded TERRIBLE.
I made him pull over and call a tow truck.
Unfortunately, the engine had no oil in it, so he had basically ruined the engine.
I would have teased him, but he was pretty sad.

Unfortunately it would cost more than the worth of the car to repair, so we decided to ditch it.
We had to empty all of our stuff and carry it through the snow to the tiny shed of a bus station in the
small mountain town we were towed to.
After walking for 20 mins, we had to wait in a freezing shed for a bus for about 30 mins.
It then took us to a slightly bigger city, where we could get a bus back to Seoul.
Korean boy also met with a guy at this station who would take his car.
We were a little disappointed...I saw almost allof Korea in that car.
We were pretty silent on the ride back to Seoul.
Korean Boy just kept saying "I have no car..." over and over again.
I'm not sure when we'll be able to go on another adventure.
When we do, it will probably be tour-bus style.
It's the end of the era.
We are very sad.
Oh, and we almost got eaten by baby polar bears, too.
Terrifying creatures.
RIP, Korean Boy's car.
You served this blog well.